Our Services

D E S I G N  +  D R A F T I N G

S M A L L   P R O J E C T S

Todays requirements for and outdoor entertainment area has changed dramatically in both usage, materials and outcome requirements. Verandahs are more than just a roof now days, they become a continuation of your house, they add value to the property, they provide more space with the property that can be utilised.

The many and varied small home projects have grown from simple lean-to Verandahs to major outdoor entertainment areas demanding similar approach from a drafting perspective to the permit requirements government require for any building projects.

Council /Authority rules and regulations are no different for a Verandah than that of a full House . . . So understanding the rules and regulations when designing an Outdoor Area is very important as can easy blow up in Council / Authority costs + long time delays.

Our intense experience in this area is based on over 20 years of small home projects, this has given us a good understanding on what we can and can not get around, what council will never accept or allow to be built. 

The Residential projects we specialise in include but are not limited to:

— Outdoor Entertainment Areas working drawings

— Garage, Carports working drawings

— Shed’s working drawings

— Pergolas & Verandahs working drawings

— Deck’s working drawings

— Out – Buildings / Pool Houses working drawings

— Safety Barrier Fences for Swimming Pools / Spas working drawings

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L A R G E    P R O J E C T S

Have the kids taken over your house . . . No room to move?

Are you thinking of Extending, Renovating or developing a site for Townhouses?

Not sure where to start the whole process. . .  Get in touch with us as you will require the services of an experienced company who can provide the understanding, design + services to ensure your desired outcome is achieved.

We can provide you the full works package – Design → Architectural Planning  & Working Drawings → All associated outside Consultants required for the project, Engineering, Energy Rating → Selecting builder → Building Permit Lodgement

The Residential & Commercial projects we specialise in include but are not limited to:

— New Dwelling (House)

— Townhouse Developments

— Unit Developments

— Dual Occupancy Developments

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At The Project Centre, we have an extensive detailed understanding of planning codes, Zones + Overlays, Building Regulations + guidelines and we integrate this knowledge into all our designs from the outset.

We produce all required documentation and administer the application process on our client’s behalf saving on both time and money, whilst providing our clients updates on interactions, further information requests, Drawing amendment requests, follow up requests, advertisements to complete our full package service to our clients.

We complement our Drafting services by providing a significant range of Permit services relating directly to obtaining specific Council &/or Authority Permissions/Consent.

These plus other building or title issues may trigger a requirement to gain Council Approvals prior to gaining a Building Permit or to satisfy Council on a Building Notice, if Illegal works have been completed without prior approval being obtained.

This area of our service can be the most time consuming and frustrating for both ourselves and our clients. Timeframes and outcomes can and do vary from Council to Council and site to site. Costs and timeframes therefore vary from project to project and remain difficult to forecast from a casual telephone enquiry.

Area of services we offer and arrange include but are not limited to:

— Planning Permit Approvals

— Vic Smart Planning Approvals

— Planning Consent – Build Outside Building Envelope

— Part 5 – Building Regulation – Siting – Report & Consent Applications

— Part 8 – Building Regulation – Flood Applications

— Easement – Building over or near Council / Water authorities assets

— Hoarding Permits

— Building Modifications – Building Appeals Board

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Finalizing plans and tasks required to submit or gain a building permit.

We generally arrange these items for clients as all are required to finalize our working drawing plans. This ensure your plans ready for your builder to provide quotes and Surveyor to issue permits.

If these not completed at completion of our brief, then plans will remain in a concept stage awaiting supporting information. Release of drafting plans do require all information required to be completed by law.

Cost and time lines to finalize these items are project specific when not undertaken from original brief.

Consultants Reports that may be required but are not limited to:

— Structural Engineer

— Energy Rating Consultant

— Soil Test

— Land Surveyors

— Feature Survey / Re-est. Survey

— Interior Designer

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B U I L D I N G   P E R M I T S 

The Building permit is the final process required to be approved prior to beginning ANY building works.

Building Permit cost and associated government fees and levies, do vary relevant to actual scope and complexity of project and project cost of works etc.

Applications can also uncover other items not previously considered that may require other approval or clarification prior to gaining a Building Permit.

Building Permit Approval will be issued if all requirements and documentation are met by the Appointed Building Surveyor.

Building Permit Application process can take not less than 7 – 14 working days. The Project Centre fee to assist and prepare required Building Permit documents will depend upon time required for preparation of this application, documents and information provided.

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